What’s the best time to travel to Pemuteran in Indonesia?
Here are some annual weather facts we collected from our historical weather data:
- The months June, July, August and September have nice weather with a good average temperature.
- On average, the temperatures are always high.
- A lot of rain (rainy season) falls in the months: January, February, March, May, November and December.
- On average, the warmest month is January.
- On average, the coolest month is July.
- January is the wettest month. This month should be avoided if you don’t like too much rain.
- August is the driest month.
For more information, see the weather forecast and our average climate infomation (in graphs) below.
* Data from nearest weather station: Denpasar, Indonesia (89.2 KM).
Average minimum and maximum temperature over the year
The monthly mean minimum and maximum daily temperature.
Show in Fahrenheit »
Show in Fahrenheit »

Average monthly hours of sunshine over the year
This is the monthly total of sunhours

Average percent of sunshine over the year
This is the mean percent of sunhours during the day

Average water temperature over the year
The monthly mean water temperature.
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Show in Fahrenheit »

Average monthly precipitation (rainfall) over the year
This is the mean monthly precipitation, including rain, snow, hail etc.
Show in Inches »
Show in Inches »

Average monthly rainy days over the year
This is the number of days each month with rain, snow, hail etc.

Average humidity over the year
This is the mean monthly relative humidity